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Keto Life: Is it Worth it?

Keto Life: Intro

By now, you've likely heard of terms such as 'natural ketosis' and the 'keto advanced fat burner' hack.

But is the keto life worth it? We’ll weigh up the pros and cons of the keto life and add my own two cents towards the end.

This article will be specifically talking about the keto life from a weight loss perspective because:

  1. That's likely what you're using keto for.

  2. Keto was initially explored as a potential solution for people with epilepsy - not for weight loss.

There's also 0 to gain on my part about speaking for or against keto - honestly, it makes no difference to me whether you do it or not.

I will speak from my experience as an online coach specialising in weight loss and my nutrition knowledge.

Let's get stuck in.

Keto Life: What is it?

First of all, it’s essential to clarify what the ketogenic diet is.

Well, according to peopleschoicebeefjerky.com, the keto diet consists of the following rules:

  • Borderline cut-out carbohydrates, and keep them to a maximum of 25g daily.

  • Eat high-quality protein.

  • Go heavy on healthy fats.

  • Drink plenty of water. Stick to simple beverages.

  • Avoid starchy fruits and vegetables.

Now that you understand the guidelines let’s get stuck into the pros and cons, starting with the pros.

Keto Life: Pros

Keto Life: It Could Potentially Help You Lose Weight

Regarding fat loss, 'potentially' is used over a word that holds more certainty because you can only lose weight by being in a calorie deficit.

What's a calorie deficit? A calorie deficit is when you eat fewer calories relative to the number of calories required for maintaining your current body weight. A deficit can be created by reducing the number of calories consumed and/or increasing expenditure.

Meaning keto is not a magic weight loss pill. Still, keto can help 'potentially' put you in a calorie deficit by eliminating an entire food group - carbohydrates.

If you eliminate an entire food group, your chances of being in a calorie deficit increase. Although the keto life certainly isn't for everyone - there's no denying that it can work for very few people.

Keto Life: It Can Work For a Few People

As an online coach who has coached various people from around the world, and as briefly touched upon in the last point, one statement I can confirm is that cutting out entire food groups will not work for the strong majority of people long term.

Although for a minority of people, potentially yourself included, it could work exceptionally well.

This is because you may like having hard rules regarding your nutrition, as it makes it much easier to know what you can and can’t consume daily.

Ultimately, the only way to know is by trying it yourself - if you’re tempted to.

Keto Life: There are a few rules that you’d do well to implement regardless of whether or not you’re on a ketogenic diet

Whether or not you’re a fan of the keto diet, there’s no denying that there are a few rules you’d do well to implement regardless, with a high protein intake, prioritising more healthy fats and staying hydrated all being rules that you would do well to implement.

Mainly because me and you are living in a world where the above three factors are being consistently neglected on a mass scale and are contributing to the increasing obesity rates.

Otherwise, that’s it for the pros. Let’s get into the cons.

Keto Life: Cons

Keto Life: You Don't Actually 'Need' it for Fat Loss

There's no denying that there's much more to say regarding the cons of the keto life, starting with the fact that you do not need to do keto for fat loss.

Why is this a con? Because if you're forever avoiding carbohydrates purely because you want to lose weight, then that will likely be unsustainable on your part.

It's crucial you take the time to learn how weight loss is achieved without applying drastic changes, e.g. going back to the calorie deficit point.

Although if you're doing keto and know you don't need it for fat loss, you're doing it purely because you associate it with rapid results - that's another issue.

How so? Because you need to take the time to properly educate yourself, which is partly why you're always going around in circles.

If you can't see yourself sticking to your current approach for at least 6-12 months, then your best bet is that you shouldn't waste your time with it and move on.

Keto Life: Continuing on the Sustainability Point

Sustainability is vital - and living in constant fear of rice, potatoes, bread, fruit, and pasta isn't a way to live.

In fact, it sounds incredibly exhausting.

The fixation it causes around food is insane because the keto life will also take over every encounter with your nutrition.

Think about it.

What are you going to do when you go to:

  • Your best mate's wedding…

  • Grandma's house for dinner…

  • The next set of work drinks…

All come up?

Are you going to say no to the wedding cake?

Say no to the rice and potatoes your grandmother made you and have a plate of just duck?

Avoid glasses of beer or cranberry juice?

All because you're part of the 'keto life'?

My honest opinion? Eat the damn rice. Brown or white rice, it doesn't matter.

You cannot live the rest of your life fearing rice just because you think it'll 'make you fat' and you're trying to be in 'natural ketosis'. Especially when you have endless real-world examples showing this isn't even necessary.

Considering most fibrous sources are carbohydrates, where will you get your fibre from? You're going to be one constipated person a few weeks in.

You'll also likely have several nutritional deficiencies and an increased risk of heart disease and kidney stones due to the abundance of fat you'll likely have to start eating.

Keto Life: What's the Exit Plan?

For the sake of the conversation, let's say that you end up losing weight whilst doing the keto life. 

What happens when that day comes around, and you either need to maintain your weight or slowly start pushing up again?

  1. Do you reintroduce carbs again?

  2. If so, how do you reintroduce carbs?

  3. What's your exit plan? Or is the keto life a 'forever thing'?

You'll likely have difficulty navigating that process because you wouldn't have taught yourself how to live a balanced life that includes carbohydrates. Something that a keto guru or keto king also typically overlooks.

Regarding weight loss, most people, potentially you included, don't think more than a few weeks ahead, which is another reason you're going around in circles.

To drastically increase your chances of success, you must ask yourself what approach you can realistically sustain for at least the next 12 months.

The term 'slowly start pushing up again' is used not in the case of fat gain but for muscle gain, because the optimal environment for muscle gain is in a slight calorie surplus, although that's for another article.

Keto Life: One Last Point

"But Leo, it was only when I started eating fewer carbohydrates that I started losing weight. So I don't know if I agree. Maybe there is such a thing as the keto advanced fat burner?"

Well, I'm sure you did lose weight when you cut back on carbohydrates because you should understand that this article isn't telling you that you shouldn't simply cut down on carbs.

It's telling you that cutting out an entire food group is a terrible idea.

Chances are, if you've been struggling with your weight, it would probably be in your best interest to start reducing the number of carbohydrates and fats you're consuming.

Because most people who struggle with their weight, potentially you included, get way too many calories from carbohydrates and fats.

Furthermore, if you've been on the fence about doing keto, then there's no doubt that you've heard the term 'natural ketosis' from some keto guru or keto king and that you need it for weight loss.

Although here's a golden bit of advice; run far in the opposite direction from whoever said this to you.

Why? Well, they don't know what they're talking about.


  1. It's not the 'keto advanced fat burner' or 'magic weight loss pill' they're promising you.

    If you cut out an entire food group, then that'll likely result in weight loss. In the same way, you could potentially lose weight if you no longer eat foods that begin with the letter B and/or are any shade of the colour brown.

  2. It goes back to the point about being in a calorie deficit.

  3. There are thousands of real-world examples out there daily, myself and Kairos Online members included, who have eaten carbohydrates and sustainably lost fat throughout the process.

Protein isn't mentioned because it's rare to get to the point where you struggle with your weight due to taking in 'too much protein'.

Keto Life: Ending

  • If you agree with what's been said In this article, then excellent.

  • If you can't help but disagree and want to aim for that keto body tone, that's okay too. Try keto yourself if you want to, because the best teacher is always 'experience'.

  • I can't say that a keto body tone would ever interest me, but if it works for you, who cares? Go for it!

If your nutritional approach is healthy, isn't miserable, doesn't take over every waking moment of your life, and you can easily sustain it, that's all that matters.

If you'd like info on how to sustainably lose weight once and for all, please subscribe to my YouTube channel by clicking here.

There's a video released from time to time, covering various topics around nutrition, training, fitness etc., and there's no doubt you'll like it if you enjoyed reading this article :)

Speak soon,


P.S. If you know someone considering the keto diet and looking for that weight loss magic pill, share this article with them.