How to Lose Fat on a Budget

First and foremost, props to you for starting your fat loss journey.

You're gonna kill it, I'm sure.

Just because you're here reading this article shows that you're serious, and I want you to know I'm proud of you.

Although it's also worth mentioning that just because you plan to start (or have already begun) this journey, please remember that you are more than your nutrition and exercise choices.

Because yes, focusing on them will improve your life, that goes without saying - but never equate your worth with your nutrition, exercise, progress made or scale weight.

Remember, this journey is about improving your health and habits - and repeatedly questioning your self-worth over those factors is when it starts to get 'unhealthy'. 

So, let's get started on why you're here - 'How to lose fat on a budget.'

First and foremost, the most important factor - and that's that fat loss is going to be nearly all nutrition.

Because yes, exercise can help with fat loss - but by this, you can never out-exercise what you eat. Because:

  1. Attempting to always 'burn off what you eat' will only set you up for a negative relationship with food and exercise.

  2. Obsessing over how many calories you burn in your workouts is easily one of the most ineffective ways to monitor how well you're doing.

That's not to say you shouldn't exercise; you'd certainly do well to start resistance training to work toward getting stronger - which will increase the quality of your life. Adding some weekly cardio to go with it will also be a great idea, not for fat loss but for improving cardiovascular health.

Although considering the article is titled 'How to lose fat on a budget', it's worth mentioning that walking is free.

If you need help figuring out where to start with your physical activity and you're not yet a gym member, go for a 15-minute walk, minimum. Consistently implementing this habit daily will change your life.

This is something I encourage most Kairos Online members to do.

Walking is also one of the most underrated forms of exercise because you may deem it as 'too simple'.


Anyway, let’s get started on more specific nutrition points.

I've listed a few golden nuggets below.


Buy Frozen

Buying frozen is a great idea, regardless of whether you're on a budget.

Yes, fresh is great - but buying frozen will easily get you many of the same foods for about half the price.

Two specific examples I opt for are tuna steaks and frozen fruit mixes. Tuna steaks because they're more costly when bought fresh, with the frozen version allowing for the same excellent lean protein source, but at a much lower price.

Then secondly, the frozen fruit mix is an excellent idea whenever you want to increase your fruit intake by blending a smoothie.

What's my favourite frozen fruit mix smoothie right now? Berry blast - with strawberries, blueberries, raspberries and cranberries.

Pro tip:

If you want to work on increasing your fruit and veg intake, then load your omelettes with vegetables and make frozen fruit smoothies.

An extra tip is adding one or two scoops of protein powder to the smoothie; vanilla protein powder is the best go-to for complimenting the flavour.


Don't Buy Organic

"What?! Really?! I thought organic was healthier, Leo?"

Well… you've kinda been duped. Scientific literature has shown no superior proven health benefits when comparing organic and non-organic foods, and that's just me speaking about the 'healthier' option.

Now, regarding fat loss, because after all, this is 'How to lose fat on a budget' - having organic food makes zero difference.

How so? Remember, fat loss can only be achieved in a long-term calorie deficit.

Many organic foods can still easily be calorie bombs that'll skyrocket your daily calorie intake.

Most irritating part? It'll cost you 3 or 4 times the price compared to the 'non-organic version' for the same outcome.


Brew Your Own

By this, I mean tea and coffee, of course.

Because here's the thing; it may be making zero difference to your fat loss journey - although, for the other person, it could be a significant contributor to their struggle.

An example is:

You have a black coffee 1x daily.

The other person has three sugars with almond milk and extra cream 2x daily.

Black coffee has 0 calories.

The second? A calorie bomb that could quickly amass over 350 calories per cup. Have that twice, and you're easily looking at 700+.

That's over 700 calories daily on 'just a coffee' - then you'll still have breakfast, lunch, dinner, and two to three snacks.

Meaning if you're struggling to lose fat and you're on a budget - you'd do well to start brewing your teas and coffees from now on because:

  1. You'll save money within your budget.

  2. You'll know exactly what's going into your coffee, rather than the calorie bombs that places such as Starbucks could potentially be giving you.

  3. Instead, you can use those 700+ calories on solid foods that'll fill you up.


Prioritise Fibre

Prioritising your fibre intake is a smart move to lose fat on a budget.

Why? Because aside from the fact that it's associated with a lower risk of heart disease, stroke, type 2 diabetes and bowel cancer - it'll also help you feel fuller and prevent constipation.

Having foods that keep you fuller for longer whilst low in calories is something you'll want to prioritise whilst losing fat on a budget, e.g. vegetables, fruits and popcorn.

Some high-fibre foods are beans, broccoli, berries, popcorn, whole grains, apples, dried fruits and lentils. So, they generally tend to be foods with a higher nutritional value.



Buy in Bulk

Buying in bulk is vital, but only if you can.

I used to do this back in my university days, e.g. I'd look to see if deals were going on at my local Tesco's (a popular U.K. supermarket chain) and butchers, such as the buy one get one free or buy one get one half price.

If you find a good deal on a specific food that you're sure you'll eat a lot of, instead of continuously going back and forth to get it, buy it in bulk if and when a fantastic deal arrives.

Pro tip:

In addition to 'buying in bulk', check out the 'sale section' wherever you go food shopping.

Yes, most foods in the sale section will be close to their sell-by date - but you can always either:

- Have it within the next 2 to 3 days of buying it.

- Freeze it (if possible) for a much later date.

The amount of amazing bargains you can find is mind-blowing. It may also lead to you buying things you'd never usually try but end up loving - leading it to become a future staple in your eating!


Options for Protein Sources That are Cheaper

Protein is essential whilst in a calorie deficit, because if you're in a calorie deficit without adequate protein, you could be losing weight. Still, a lot of it could be valuable muscle.

Remember, there's a difference between fat loss and weight loss.

Plus, I've often found that many individuals like yourself could lack adequate protein intake.

In addition to the frozen foods I previously mentioned, I'd recommend investing in protein powder.

Why? Because protein powders are a source of very high-quality protein. Coupled with the fact that you could save more money per serving than some protein sources (depending on the deal you find).

That's not to say that protein powder should be what's taking up your main chunk of protein every day. However, you'd do well to start making it a staple if you often struggle to hit your protein goal and are on a budget.


If you have no idea if you're lacking in protein, then the only way to know is by tracking your calories for a few weeks.


Invest in Minimal Supplements

This brings me to the last section, which may sound ironic considering my previous point. However, perhaps apart from the protein powders, there are no supplements that are a 'necessity' on your fat loss journey, especially when you're on a budget.

Why? Because yes, creatine can be great for building muscle and getting stronger, and omega-3s and multivitamins are great 'aids'.

But 'supplements' are just that; they're something that 'supplement' your journey - they're not called 'necessaries' for a reason.


That's all from me today.

I hope it helped you on your journey of 'How to lose fat on a budget'.

In the meantime, you should check out my podcast by clicking here for the version on Spotify.

Or here for the version on Apple Podcasts.

Speak soon,


P.S. If you enjoyed reading this and think someone you know could find it helpful, please share it!


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