How to Motivate Yourself to Workout

Workout motivation is a popular topic, and considering you're reading this, it's likely something you're struggling with now.

But worry not; this article is full of tips, tricks 'n tactics that I've gathered from my years of coaching people worldwide at Kairos Online. Some of which will undoubtedly be a huge game changer for you.

Although before going onto each point, let's start with the most important one of all:

That's the fact that you should never solely rely on 'motivation'.

This is why you may be struggling in the first place.

How so? Because you probably think that motivation works like this:

How to Motivate Yourself to Workout

But it actually works like this:

How to Motivate Yourself to Workout

This means that initially, you will have to almost 'force' yourself to work out and take action - even though you will not feel like it.

But do this enough times, and you'll slowly start seeing results - and there's nothing more motivating than results.

Let's get started on some other motivation tactics you can use.


Remember Your 'Why'.

Remembering 'why' you started working out is essential for days when you really don't want to do anything - and I mean really dig deep into your 'why.'

Take the following example:

You: I want to look better.

Me: Why?

You: Because I want more confidence.

Me: It still needs to be deeper. Why do you want more confidence?

You: Because I used to be super confident when I was younger, and I feel like it's faded since.

Me: Keep going.

You: I want to look better and gain more confidence because my partner doesn't look at me like they used to. It hurts.

Me: Tell me more.

You: I don't feel self-confident anymore, meaning I feel less sexy, resulting in my partner not looking at me the same way. This has slowly started to affect not only our sex life but the rest of the relationship, too - causing some instability with the kids.

I've already had one marriage that finished in divorce, and I couldn't face going through that again. This lack of confidence has also seeped into my career, and something needs to change now.

Bam. There's your why.

So, it wasn't just 'to look better'. It was because you wanted more confidence in yourself, to feel sexy again, to feel a connection with your partner, to have more stability within your family and to feel that same confidence in your career that you once felt.

Even though this specific example may not be relevant to you, I guarantee you'll find your reason if you dig deep enough. One that'll get you working out and moving on days you don't feel like it.

Take Kairos Online member Anca.

She's a lovely lady from Romania living in London with her beautiful cat and boyfriend.

She discovered her 'why', and fast forward ten months later - she's now unrecognisable! A lot stronger too.

How to Motivate Yourself to Workout

My challenge is to block out 10/15 minutes in your schedule the next time you feel like you're going through a phase of demotivation and figure out you're 'why'.

Speaking about schedules, on to the next point.


1. Put Your Workout in Your Schedule First, Then Plan Around It.

You've likely struggled with workouts up until now because you've only done them spontaneously and have yet to make them a priority.

Going about your day and only doing workouts when you "finally have some free time" is an easy way to be inconsistent.

From now on, I'd suggest putting your workouts in your schedule first - and then placing everything else around it.

Don't 'try' and make your workouts fit around your schedule; make your schedule fit around your workouts.


2. Get into Your Workout Clothes ASAP.

I understand.

When you get home after a tiring work day, you only want to chill, watch Netflix and eat a bag of Cheetos.

My suggestion? After getting home from work, change into your workout clothes as soon as possible and do not get comfortable.

Why? Two reasons:

  1. The psychology behind getting into your workout clothes as soon as you get home shouldn't be ignored.

    Changing into your workout clothes may get you to work out more than you realise - because now you're ready to get going.

    You may as well put on your trainers whilst you're at it.

  2. If you're like me, you may not get back up once you get comfortable after a tiring day. So whatever you do, regardless of how cosy the sofa looks - do not lie down.

How to Motivate Yourself to Workout

3. Put Your Alarm Out of Reach.

Speaking about laying down, here's a hack for when you only have to work out first thing in the morning - put your alarm out of reach.

This will not only help prevent you from mindlessly hitting the snooze button, but it could also help stop procrastination by making you jump straight out of bed rather than lying down and scrolling on your phone.

Before you know it, you'll be at the gym before everyone else, hitting solid PBs just like Kairos Online member Melissa.

A fellow dog owner, she's from east London with a Portuguese and Venezuelan background. The only time she has to work out is around 5:30am before work, meaning the alarm tactic is similar to what she's currently doing.

Very few people can say they're deadlifting 65kg at 6am!

How to Motivate Yourself to Workout

Props to her for relentlessly taking action at the start and getting herself to the point where she's now very motivated to keep seeing tremendous progress.


4. Only do the First 5/10 Minutes or the First One or Two Exercises, and Then Permit Yourself to Stop if You Want.

Have you ever felt super tired, gone to the gym, got ready and then decided to leave before you've even done anything?

Then this tip is perfect for you. One of my favourite tactics for days you do not feel like it, and one that works very well - only do the first one or two exercises. I can't guarantee it's foolproof, but it's worked 90% of the time.

Once you've done the first two exercises, you'll feel motivated to finish the rest of your workout.

Try it next time.

How to Motivate Yourself to Workout

Bringing me nicely to my next section.


4. Make it Fun/Something You Enjoy.

Although I am a big fan of strength training and believe everyone would do exceptionally well to do it, if you consistently struggle to show up, find something else you enjoy.

Because something is always better than nothing.

A few ideas could be:

  • To join a sports team.

  • Start dance classes.

  • Take up hiking as a hobby.

  • Go skiing more often (depending on where you live).

  • Take up swimming.

  • Start doing martial arts.

  • Go for walks whilst listening to The Leo Alves Podcast.

To name a few.

Pick something, anything, and be consistent with it, because movement is the key to a longer, healthier life.

How to Motivate Yourself to Workout

5. Join a Community.

What do I mean by this? Here are a few suggestions;

These can be a game changer when it comes to having increased motivation because;

  1. You'll have someone to keep you accountable.

  2. You'll no longer feel alone.

Another benefit to hiring a professional trainer or starting with me at Kairos Online is removing the element of guesswork. You can rely on their/my skills and experience to guide you.

Plus, the issue with sometimes sharing how you feel with friends is that you can't help but feel like you'll be judged. Whereas being with like-minded communities filled with people on similar missions can feel more comforting, leaving you more empowered.


6. Find a Challenge.

Why should you do this? Because challenges are motivating as hell.

Whenever I've wanted something done consistently for myself or others, I'll disguise it as a challenge - and best believe; it's always worked.

Whenever I've wanted to be more consistent with making more articles and podcasts? I'll put it in the form of a challenge to myself.

Whenever I've wanted Kairos Online members to be more consistent with sending form analysis videos? I'll present it as a challenge and offer the most consistent person a prize.

Whenever Miss Newlove wanted me and my classmates to keep the tidy classroom back in first grade? She'd present it as the 'tidying up challenge'

And you can bet that they've all worked immensely well.

It's also potentially worth signing up for charity events with friends, e.g. a 5/10k run, doing tough mudder, signing up for a colour run, park run etc.

Having a specific event to aim for can sometimes be what you need to get started with your workouts so that you can train for the occasion.

How to Motivate Yourself to Workout

7. Workout at Home if You're Not Going to the Gym.

Because the thought of consistently going to the gym is lovely, but always thinking about going to the gym and going there are two different things.

This could be the position you're in right now. Whether you're slightly intimidated about being there, you have no idea what to do or something else.

At times like this, it's essential to ask yourself what you can most realistically stick with - home or gym workouts? If that's home workouts, then so be it. If you have decent equipment, there is nothing wrong with them either; I did them myself for several months.

Invest in some equipment, and make progress from there.

You can see my recommendations for home workout equipment by clicking here.

The same could happen vice-versa; if you have 0 motivation for home workouts, consider signing up for a gym.

You may find that the more motivating workout environment at the gym was what you needed to push you to that next step.

Pro tip:

Grab my free 'Full Body Workout Plan' PDF if you need help with what to do at the gym.


8. There Comes a Time When You Have to do the Damn Thing.

Because you can keep reading all the different motivational tips, watch several motivational videos on YouTube or listen to all the motivational podcasts in the world - but there comes a point where you have to stop procrastinating, get up and do the damn thing.

That's not to say it'll be easy, because just like I said at the start, you will not feel like it at first. But if you're not gonna get up and make yourself workout, no one else will.

It's your health, your journey, your duty and your responsibility. No one else's.

Tough love? Maybe, but it's the truth.

I do hope this helped.

So, remember;

DON'T rely on motivation to get you through everything because motivation is a bit like that flakey friend who never shows up when you need it most.

DO sign up to my email list by clicking here to get more tips n tricks for free every week in your inbox.


Speak soon,


P.S. If you enjoyed reading this article or feel like you know someone who could do with seeing it, then please consider sharing it with your friends and family :)


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