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The Phoenix Journey of Melissa’s Fat Loss

Have you ever felt stuck, like you’re at your lowest point? Let me tell you about Melissa, who transformed her life in a way that reminds me of an influential legend—the story of the Phoenix.

The Phoenix is a legendary bird known for its cycle of life—burning in flames only to rise again, revived, stronger, and more lively. It’s a story of transformation, of rising from ashes.

And it reminds me of someone very special—my 1-2-1 online fitness member, Melissa.

Melissa is a Londoner with Portuguese and Venezuelan roots. She’s a psychology enthusiast, always curious about how we think and how our minds can shape our lives.

Her transformation, like the Phoenix’s, was born out of a challenging time.

Like many, Melissa struggled during the lockdowns. She gained weight, reaching her all-time heaviest, and felt like she'd lost part of herself in the chaos. But instead of accepting this as the end of her story, she decided to ignite a spark of change.

She contacted me, and so we started working together—three weekly workouts, rotating between upper, lower, and full-body sessions. Consistency was key, and so was getting stronger. Week by week, rep by rep, Melissa’s strength grew.

Her progress wasn’t just about the numbers on the scale—though she lost over 10kg of body fat—it was also about her mindset.

We adopted simple nutrition strategies:

  1. An untracked meal once a week.

  2. A protein source with every meal.

  3. A daily protein snack.

  4. No foods were off-limits; everything could be enjoyed in moderation.

Over time, Melissa wasn’t just losing body fat but gaining confidence, self-love, and resilience.

One day, like a Phoenix rising from the ashes, she messaged me with a list of wins she had been keeping. I still remember her excitement in a text she sent me one day:

"Just wanted to share a list I've been keeping since working with you, and I'm loving the fact that I still haven't stopped adding stuff to it! Every time I have a positive thought about my journey so far, I add it here. And it's been great!"

Here are just a few of the wins she shared:

  • "I've gone two sizes down on my smart watch around my wrist.

  • My belly bar now sits straight and not slanted.

  • I can put my socks on without holding my breath.

  • I've had to redo my Face ID on my phone as my face is slimming down, and it works less and less each time.

  • I ordered a replacement jumper, size S.

  • I've gone down from a size 20 to a 14."

Melissa’s journey isn’t about burning herself out to reach a goal. It’s about fresh start, transformation, and embracing a new life—a life where she feels strong, confident, and proud of how far she’s come.

She’s rediscovered her love for cycling, walks for miles with ease, and can even do eight consecutive push-ups for the first time in her life.

Melissa’s story is just one example of what happens when you decide to rise—when you stop accepting the version of yourself you don’t love and instead build a version that makes you feel alive again.

You don’t have to remain in the ashes. Like the Phoenix and Melissa, you can rise, too! And I’m here to help you with that journey with my 1-2-1 online fitness coaching.

Inquire by clicking here, the same way Melissa did when she started.

Alternatively, you can also listen to a podcast episode we recorded together.

Click here to listen to it on Spotify.

Click here to check it out on Apple Podcasts.

Click here for the YouTube version.

Speak soon,
