How to Stay Fit Whilst Travelling

At a traditional Japanese house in Kyoto back in August 2020, on my travels


So, you came here to learn how to stay fit whilst travelling?

Well, you're at the right place.

First, I think it's super important to start by mentioning that if you're going on holiday and reading this because you're "super nervous about losing all the progress you've worked for up until now", - don't be.

A few away won't undo all your consistency; it's the same for how you wouldn't get super fit from eating a few salads and doing one or two workouts.

Because it always comes down to what you do more often than not.

Plus, sometimes taking time off while you're away can be the best thing for your long-term progress because of the mental and physical break you'll get.

I've also noticed that when I take a week off working out, I often come back feeling stronger; I've also had Kairos Online members say the same thing.

Ultimately, how much attention you should pay to your fitness whilst you're travelling will come down to two things:

  1. How often you're travelling. If you're often travelling, pay a lot of attention to this article as you'll come away with many tactics you can implement. Making your fitness journey feel 100x easier.

  2. How long you're travelling for. 

If it's for over two weeks, sit tight and pay close attention, as there will be some gems here for you.

Anyway, let's get started.



Firstly, you're probably wondering if you should train whilst you're travelling. 

My opinion? Train if you enjoy training. It's totally up to you, and there's no right or wrong answer to how you should approach it.

Don't wanna? That's fine; you're only travelling for a few days. Don't feel bad for not doing it.

Wanna train? Great, go for it. Pack resistance bands as they're easy to take around, find a local gym and get a guest pass, or even see if there are monkey bars nearby if you're comfortable with bodyweight movements.

For any travelling you're doing that's about a week long or less, I'd suggest prioritising a high step count more than anything. A high step count also allows you to explore your new destination more. Win/win. 

Although if you're away for more than two weeks or travel often, I suggest working out and ensuring that wherever you're staying has a gym nearby and then opting for full-body workouts once there.

Either that or bring resistance bands to work out at home alongside bodyweight exercises.

Pretty straightforward.

Note: If you're interested in knowing how to create your workout plan when you're back, click here to watch my "How to create your own workout plan" YouTube video.



Let's face it. Staying on track with your nutrition while travelling may be a slight pain—but only if you let it be.

I say this because you must accept you're likely not going to be as consistent as you usually are - and realise that that's okay.

Remember, you're not travelling forever - so understand that being as consistent as you can be during this period is the best thing you can do.

Because soon you'll be home again and back in routine - it's not a forever situation. 40-50% consistency is undoubtedly better than having 0% just because you can't be your usual 85-95%.

Plus, there's a lot you can still do to continue maximising your progress.

The following will be suggested tactics for you to implement.



It's no secret that going way overboard with your calorie intake while travelling is super easy.

You could use some of the following methods to minimise calories whilst away.

  1. Keep protein high.

    Why? Because protein is the most filling macronutrient, I will expand on this in the next section.

  2. Prioritise fruits and vegetables.

    Filling yourself with lower calorie-dense foods will go a long way toward making you feel satisfied in exchange for fewer calories.

    Aiming for at least three a day is a solid goal.

  3. Minimise calories from liquids, as they don't fill you up as much.

    Diet sodas, squash and water - to name a few. I also know it can be tempting to drink more alcohol than usual whilst travelling. So if this is going to be the case - opt for lower calorie beverages and/or 0 calorie mixers for your drinks, e.g. Diet Coca-Cola instead of regular Coca-Cola.

  4. Other minor tweaks, like skipping dessert, will also be brilliant if you travel often.

    Enjoying dessert once in a while? Totally fine!

    But if you're having to go off plan often due to travelling a lot, then minimising calorie intake wherever you can is always a smart idea.

Or overall, do nothing mentioned above and eat whatever you want - because you're on holiday! There's no wrong or right decision; it's down to you.


Protein Intake

Protein intake is easily one of the biggest things that'll take a hit whilst you're away because you'll likely not have the same access to typical sources.

So here are a few ways for you to keep protein high without blowing your calorie goal out of the water for the day:

  1. Opt for leaner protein sources over fattier sources. Chicken, tuna and turkey over beef, duck and salmon are great examples.

    Not that there's anything wrong with the latter three, but leaner sources are a wiser choice regarding keeping calories lower and higher protein.

  2. Many big supplement brands sell small protein powder taster sachets, so invest in a bunch and bring them with you—either that or a small bag of protein powder, e.g. 250g. Anything that won't take up too much space in your luggage.

    It's a super convenient way of getting that protein boost in during breakfast or at the end of the day before bed. On average, most taster sachets also have about 18g of protein, which is decent.

  3. Ensure all your meals have a protein source.

  4. Have one protein snack during the day. See if your travel destination sells protein bars or snacks once you arrive.

Now, you certainly don't have to apply all four points - but you'd do well to implement at least half.

They may seem small in isolation but would certainly add up if done most days for a while.


An example of a protein powder taster sachet from MyProtein.


To Summarise - That's About it

It was never going to be anything too complicated.

Don't overlook these suggestions because you may deem them "too small and insignificant". 

It's never been about the sexy, mind-blowing changes - because the key is always in the minor adjustments you can make. 

Because when consistently done, they add up big time.

Although if you're going on a short holiday, have fun.

Give yourself that mental and physical break. I know I would. For example, I don't track food while on holidays that last less than a week. I never have, never will.

You wouldn't check your work emails while away (at least, I hope not), meaning if you don't want to follow a single suggestion I've made throughout this article, then don't.

In the meantime, check out my podcast by clicking here for it on Simplecast.

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Speak soon,

P.S. If you enjoyed reading this short article, then please share it :)


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