Lisbon Earthquake, Portugal: Staying Strong Through Setbacks

Did you hear about the recent earthquake in Lisbon?

It happened around 5 a.m. on August 26th, 2024, while my wife and I were deep asleep. Suddenly, our house started shaking violently, startling both of us awake.

My wife exclaimed, "Did you feel that?" and I immediately knew it was intense. For context, we live near a train track, and some minor shaking is typical for our house.

But this tremor was different—it was stronger and came without any warning.

I began to wonder:

Was it a train? That seemed unlikely since it felt much more severe than usual.

Could it have derailed? Yet, there was no sound of a train.

The shaking reminded me of the earthquakes I experienced in Japan, but earthquakes are rare in Portugal. Could it really be one?

Or perhaps something collapsed in the apartment above us?

Should we go outside?

Unlike Japan, we aren't prepared for earthquakes in Portugal.

A few hours later, I searched online and discovered that my suspicion was correct—a 5.9 magnitude earthquake had struck, affecting Lisbon and the west coast of Alentejo the most. This event also had ripple effects in other parts of Portugal, as well as in Spain, Morocco, and Gibraltar.

That's wild, right? Totally out of the blue. No warnings, no alerts, no nothing.

And it got me thinking—how often do we experience our own personal "earthquakes"? Those moments that shake us up and throw everything off balance, especially when it comes to our health and fitness.

Maybe it's that morning when you try on an old pair of jeans and realise they don't fit quite like they used to.

Or when you start a workout routine that worked wonders in the past, but now your body feels completely different, and progress seems slow.

Or maybe it's that constant battle with motivation—knowing what you should do, but just feeling stuck in place.

These moments feel like they come without warning. They shake your confidence and can make you feel lost, questioning whether it's even worth trying anymore. It's easy to feel overwhelmed and unsure of what to do next

I've seen this happen often with people who end up joining me as a 1-2-1 online fitness member.

These fitness "earthquakes" can hit any time, often when you least expect them and navigating through them alone can be tricky.

Sometimes, just having someone in your corner—whether it's a friend, a coach (shameless plug—click here to inquire), or even just a solid plan—makes all the difference in getting back on track.

That's why I believe so strongly in creating a supportive fitness environment.

It's not about doing everything perfectly; it's about having a plan that can adjust when life throws unexpected challenges your way. That's something I've focused on in my own fitness journey and with the people I coach.

If you're navigating your own fitness "earthquake" right now, I've got something that might help.

In my latest podcast episode, "Best Home Gym Equipment to Invest in for 2025," I dive into some of the best tools to have at home, so you can stay on track no matter what life throws your way.

Whether you're building a small gym or just looking for a few key pieces, this episode will help you make smart choices.

Click here to listen to the episode on Spotify.

Click here for it on Apple Podcasts.

Click here for the YouTube version.

Let's make sure you're prepared for whatever comes next!

Speak soon,


Portugal Earthquake

Me with the Lisbon skyline


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