Sleep: Your Secret in Fitness Success
This article explains the massive connection between sleep and physical fitness. This includes efficient fat loss, accelerating muscle growth and improving workout recovery. Don’t sleep on this one!
80s Fitness: Its Timeless Stamp on Modern Fitness
Take a time machine to the era of 80s fitness and discover its lasting impact on today's workout and wellness trends.
Peer Pressure Scenarios: How to Stop Eating Unhealthily
One of the most elite articles you’ll find here on Kairos Online. Why? Because it’ll be a game changer for your fitness journey. Don’t believe me? Click it!
Are Fitness Trackers Worth it?
Are fitness trackers worth it? Or just unnecessary hype? Find out!
12 Beginners Mistakes to Avoid on Your Fitness Journey
Being a beginner at anything means you’re bound to make mistakes. Luckily for you, I’ve made hundreds, so you don’t have to make them.
Why Both You and Japan Have the Same Annual Spike in Sickness
Written just a week before leaving Japan after 15 months of living here, here’s one noticeable yearly trend I was informed about from friends.
Supplements I Use and Why
Supplements. Supplements. Supplements. Everyone’s favourite things to rave about. So here’s a short article explaining what you should and shouldn’t look out for!
7 Ways I Fcked up in Japan
There have definitely been a few times when I've probably acted like a typical 外人, a.k.a 'gaijin' ('outsider' or 'alien' in Japanese). Unintentionally, of course.