Champions League Final Memories: Real Madrid in Philadelphia
I watched Real Madrid clinch the Champions League Final against Juventus from a sports bar in Philadelphia.
Forgotten 90s Trends Shaping Today's Fitness Culture
Find out all the forgotten 90s trends regarding fitness and nutrition and its ripple effect today!
Kicked Out and Overweight to Fitness Expert
Find out how I went from being expelled and overweight to holding an MSc, working at professional sports clubs and becoming a 1-2-1 online fitness coach!
Best Protein Powder Beginners: Expert Recommendations
The world of protein powders can feel overwhelming. In this article, I discuss several of the most common options and break each down!
Calorie Deficit Not Losing Weight? Here's Why
So, you feel like you’re not losing weight in a calorie deficit? Well, once you’re done reading this article, everything will make sense.
Sushi Protein: Best Choices for Muscle Gain
Discover the best high-protein sushi options to increase your protein intake!
Ronaldo Gym Routine: Fitness Like CR7
We discuss a few insights into Cristiano Ronaldo’s training and nutrition plan and expand on how to take inspiration from it.
My LASIK Journey: Post-Surgery Exercise
Discover how I approached the two weeks post-laser eye surgery, specifically regarding my exercise and fitness routine.
Protein Powder Alternatives: 10 Simple Choices
If, for whatever reason, you can’t or don’t want to have protein powder, then this article provides you with ten protein powder alternatives.
Wild Boar Attack: Cardio, Canines and Close Calls
Find out how a wild boar attack inspired me to get cardiovascularly fit.
Posture Corrector Brace: My Journey to Better Posture
Find out about a kid with poor posture, his mistakes for improving it, and what he did to overcome it.
How to Improve Push-ups: A Starter Guide
Doing one clean push-up is a fantastic goal for anyone to achieve. So, if you can’t do one already, this article is for you.
Garlic & Onion: Discovering my Intolerances
Find out the story about how I suddenly became intolerant to garlic and onion one day and what I did about it.
Grease the Groove: From Novice to Pull-Up Pro
Find out how, when starting, I accidentally implemented a brilliant strength training technique without realising it.
Aggressive Fat Loss: Quick, Effective Strategies
If you’re curious about how I approach aggressive fat loss phases for me or my 1-2-1 online fitness members, this article will be interesting!
Protein to Calorie Ratio for Fat Loss
Find out the most protein to calorie ratio efficient foods amongst seafood, meat, eggs, dairy, beans, nuts and other common subtitutes. I bet you’ll be surprised which ones rank highest!
The Fitbit Fallacy: A Fitness Journey in Preston
Discover how I learned a valuable fitness lesson as a university student that involves a Fitbit Surge, MyFitnessPal, and the “calories burnt” feature.
Osaka Adventures: Eating Healthy on a Budget
Discover how I figured out ways of eating nutritious, healthy meals whilst on a budget travelling around Osaka, Japan.
Uni Fitness Journey: Lessons at Ultraflex Gym
Find out how a humbling experience with a stranger in a Preston gym taught me a crucial fitness lesson.
Summer of Soreness: My South London Gym Journey
Find out how it took me making the same mistake twice, before I understood the concept of not going overly hard when starting at the gym.