Gym Bag Essentials for Beginners
So you’ve just started going to the gym but don’t know what to pack. Well, maybe it sounds obvious to some, but I bet there’ll be at least one new bit of inspiration you pick up from reading this.
How to Make a Badass Home Gym on a Budget
Home gyms. If you want one, regardless of whether it’s because you want your own workout space, you have gym intimidation, or you want to spend more time at home - this article is for you.
How to Stay Fit Whilst Travelling
So, you’re going travelling soon. Whether for leisure or work, you’ll learn a few tips and tricks you can apply for your time away.
How to Lose Fat and Gain Muscle
In this article, you’ll discover how to grow muscle whilst losing fat. Being excited for what you’re about to learn is an understatement.
Is Sugar Really an Evil Villain?
Sugar. It’s blamed for all the world’s problems and some more. Although is it really the culprit?
13 Fitness Myths That Need to Die
If you and I had a dollar for every fitness myth heard, we’d have a lot of dollars. In this article, 13 of them are debunked.
4 Common Deadlift Mistakes: Solutions Provided
The deadlift. One of the best exercises you can perform for full body strength. Still, just like any exercise, you’ll leave yourself prone to injury if you do it wrong. So here are 4 common deadlift mistakes and how to fix them.
Gym Intimidation: The Ultimate Guide
So, you have gym intimidation? Well, you’re actually part of the majority. Now your next step is to read this article to find out how to overcome it.
The Ultimate Guide to Tracking Calories for Weight Loss
Tracking calories can make the weight loss process infinitely easier. This article explains how you can go from being a complete newbie to knowing precisely what to do and where to look.
The Ultimate Weight Loss Meal Plan
So, you want a meal plan, although you also need help finding one? Well, this article. Your name. It’s on it.
Weight Training: The Ultimate Beginners Guide
So you want to start weight training but need help figuring out where to start? Well, this guide was made with exactly you in mind!
The Ultimate Weight Loss Guide
Weight loss can quickly become a highly overwhelming topic, especially when you don’t know who or what to listen to. Although worry not because you’ve got your buddy here to help you.
Why Both You and Japan Have the Same Annual Spike in Sickness
Written just a week before leaving Japan after 15 months of living here, here’s one noticeable yearly trend I was informed about from friends.
Supplements I Use and Why
Supplements. Supplements. Supplements. Everyone’s favourite things to rave about. So here’s a short article explaining what you should and shouldn’t look out for!
Obesity Rate in Japan: The Secrets
Find out why Japan has one of the lowest obesity rate across the world and a few tips you can take from them for your weight loss journey.
7 Ways I Fcked up in Japan
There have definitely been a few times when I've probably acted like a typical 外人, a.k.a 'gaijin' ('outsider' or 'alien' in Japanese). Unintentionally, of course.
Lose Weight and Get Fit the Lazy Way
Find out how you can lose weight and get fit the lazy way! That’s not to say it’ll be easy, but you’ll undoubtedly find out what you don’t need to do.
Obesity in Italy and Some Weight Loss Tips
Find out why Italy has the lowest obesity rate in Europe and a few tips you can away for your fat loss journey.